Our 18th Season is Complete!

Looking Back…

On Saturday, May 28th, 2022, Riverfront finished our 18th season with a cabaret night/recital final event of the season. Our “Curtain Call” went very well. We filled the hall at Paulin Memorial Church where we performed. The audience was wonderfully supportive. We raised a good amount to put toward our summer storage expenses, or apply to next season’s shows.

We’re proud of the 18th season. It wasn’t easy, by any means, but we managed to get through two big productions as well as “Curtain Call.” We got the kids on stage 3 times. No Complaints was a very special accomplishment, and it really begins to feel we’ve put the chaos and heartbreak of COVID 19 behind us. We all certainly hope and pray that is the case.

The cast of The Grunch
The Cast of No Complaints
Curtain Call, May 2022

A Little Summer Recreation

Last weekend, the Riverfronters got together for our end of season picnic at Captain Wilson Park in Windsor. We were able to just play, talk, eat, and enjoy one another’s company. It was good to relax together with nothing pressing on us.

At the end of June, a number of us are heading up to Stratford together. We’re going to see Little Women and Hamlet as a group. We look forward to being an audience together in lovely Stratford!

What’s Next for RTC?

And then….and then we enjoy some time off. Or the kids do, anyway. The Production Crew and Management Committee are hard at work setting things up for next season. We’re preparing for the shifts in membership, the acceptance of some of the kids on the waiting list, and getting our next season’s productions organised for rehearsal. We have made unofficial announcements of what lies ahead at our shows, but we look forward to a formal announcment of our plans for the 19th season! Look for a new post very soon with an announcment of the first show of our season.

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