Riverfront Is Getting Ready to Start our 2014-2015 Season!

Things are gearing up for next season.  Registration forms are underway, and we’re working on the calendar and plans.

I’ll be emailing out the registration forms for the upcoming season in the next week or so, with pre-registration being accepted up to August 31st before we open things up to the waiting lists.  We’ll start back with a family meeting and some preliminaries to take care of on September 6th.  Lots more details to follow in the near future.
But first, please let me know if you would, or would not like to be kept on the mailing list for the upcoming season. I know that some of you have other plans for the fall, and I want to be sure I’m not spamming anyone. 
I hope you’re all having a terrific summer and will be back with new energy for a great new season.
Oh!  What’s that?  
Did you want to know what plays we’re performing this year?
Well……all right.  Our dates are still tentative, so let me hold off on specifics there, but…..
January 2015 – Our Junior Players will present a musical story of Jack and the Beanstalk, called Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum! 
February 2015 – Our Senior Players will present a comedy based on Shakespeare’s tragedians from six of his plays.  In our play, Outrageous Fortunes, a group of tragedians strives to overcome their dissatisfaction with their circumstances and those who have wronged them through group therapy!
May 2015 – Our full-company will present our annual spring musical.  This season, we have selected Princess Whatsername – the story of an amnesiac princess trying to find her name and her way home, with the help of most of the characters you know and love from all the classic fairy tales.
There will be lots more information to come!  Stay tuned, and don’t hesitate to contact us at RiverfrontTheatreCompany@gmail.com if you are interested in joining the company for the season ahead.  Rehearsals every Saturday (except holiday weekends) throughout the school year, Seniors 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Juniors 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 

(Juniors:  ages 5-10, Seniors: ages 11-18).

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